The greatest attraction for early settlers to the area that is now Roman Nose State Park were springs that provided a continuous supply of fresh water. Any trip to the park would not be complete without visiting the original three springs. .

The greatest attraction for early settlers to the area that is now Roman Nose State Park were springs that provided a continuous supply of fresh water. Any trip to the park would not be complete without visiting the original three springs. .
The two trails I like best at Roman Nose State Park are the Mesa Loop Trail and the Switchback Trail. This 6.8-mile loop hike includes both of those trails and more. .
I recently visited Roman Nose State Park, near Watonga, Oklahoma. The brownish-red canyons and mesas in this semi-arid region of west Oklahoma are very different from the scenery of east Oklahoma or that of west Arkansas. It was a pretty cool trip.
One of the short trails at Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area, near Rogers, Arkansas, is the Historic Van Winkle Trail, a trail on the National Register of Historic Places. The land where Hobbs is located was once owned by 19th century lumberman Peter Van Winkle. The trail features the foundation of the Van Winkle home and […]
The Sinking Stream Trail is a new trail at Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area, in Benton County, Arkansas. It does not yet have any signage, but it is a nice little nature walk. .
I think the prettiest walk in Fort Smith is the River Walk at the Fort Smith National Historic Site. The Historic Site park, operated by the National Park Service, is on the site of the original military Fort Smith (1817-1824) and the second Fort Smith (1838-1871). The military barracks building of the second Fort was […]