Since winter snow is relatively infrequent in much of Arkansas (although we have had more than average this winter), I get excited about the chance to go out walking on a trail in the snow or just to get the chance to take pictures of the woods with a layer of freshly fallen snow.
One great opportunity for this I had was back on February 8 when I hiked the Benefield East Loop Trail at Mount Magazine. There were several inches of snow on the ground and a layer of ice in many places under that.

I posted some of the photos from my hike here.
In this post, I have more photos from my hike. (Click photo for larger view.) These were all taken on the mostly bluff line part of the loop that is south of Highway 309. It is probably the most scenic part of the trail.

Due to the fog at the mountain that morning, the visibility beyond the trail was quite limited. But I thought the snow-covered bluffs were beautiful.

Of course, it goes without saying that one should use extreme caution if hiking near snow or ice-covered bluff lines.

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