North-facing view (panoramic) from Dill Point, North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
The North Rim Trail at Mount Magazine State Park (Logan County, near Paris) is a wonderfully scenic hike with some great vista views.
As an out-and-back hike, it is 5 miles (2.5 miles each way), but it’s not difficult. About the only significant elevation change is in a stretch in the western part.
These are additional photos from my June 5 and 11, 2016 hikes on the trail.
North Rim Trail, near the west vista area.
East trailhead, by the visitor center.East part of the North Rim Trail.On the east part of North Rim Trail. There are a few scenic views through the trees in this area. Of course, there are many more views during leaf-off.Dill CreekEast-facing view from Dill Point, North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State ParkAnother east-facing shot from Dill PointNorth-facing view at Dill PointNorth Rim Trail, between the 2 main vista areas.West-facing view of the Cameron Bluff part of the mountain from the trail’s west vista.North Rim Trail, near the west vista area.One of the views in the west vista area.Stream in Gutter Rock Hollow in west part of North Rim TrailThis direction sign is at the junction of the North Rim Trail and the spur that heads over to the Mossback Ridge Trail.North Rim Trail where it crosses Overlook Drive. It’s about a half-mile from here to the west trailhead by the campground.In the western part of the trail, not far from the campground.
Photo Gallery
Click below for full-screen photo gallery of these and other pics from my June 2016 hikes on this trail.
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
Western part of the trail, a little bit east of the Mossback Ridge spur junction.
View from western part of North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park.
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
One of the views between the 2 main vista areas on North Rim Trail.
East-facing view of Mount Magazine from Dill Point on North Rim Trail. (Panoramic.)
South-facing view from the cool western vista area.
North Rim Trail at Mount Magazine. View of the Cameron Bluff part of the mountain from the vista at around 1.2 from visitor center. (Panoramic.)
West-facing view from the vista area at around 1.2 from the visitor center.
A view of the Cameron Bluff part of the mountain from the western part of the trail.
Stream crossing on the western part of the North Rim Trail.
North Rim Trail, just to the east of the Overlook Drive crossing, Mount Magazine State Park.
North Rim Trail, between Cameron Bluff Campground and Overlook Drive.
West trailhead, next to the Cameron Bluff Campground
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park
North-facing view (panoramic shot) from Dill Point on the North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park.
North-facing view from Dill Point on the North Rim Trail, Mount Magazine State Park.
School Creek crossing on June 11, 2016.
Eastern part of the North Rim Trail, prior to reaching the creeks.